Thursday, February 11, 2010

Google's First Superbowl Ad - Revisted

UPDATED 02/17/10

Since Google's Super Bowl Ad first aired on TV, the commercial has received over 3.6 million hits on Youtube. Google's Super Bowl Ad was personally my favorite ad of the Super Bowl so it's hard for me to look at it from an objective point of view, but here's my attempt at constructing a pros-and-cons list:

  • Proves that some of the best commercials are simple and inexpensive to make
  • Stands out from other Super Bowl ads that focus on cars, beer, humor, and scantily clad women
  • Connects with the audience on an emotional level; something Google hasn't really done in the past
  • Sends a strong message that Google is still King (vs. Bing who has 11% market share and is prepared to spend $100m on advertising this year)
  • Makes a strong positioning statement that Google is ultimately still about Search; Google is about searching and finding things in life that matter, and moving forward in life through search

  • Doesn't perfectly align with Google's prior beliefs about advertising
  • Waste of money - commercial could have been used to advertise other Google products facing greater competition
  • Requires reading and above peripheral route processing - something Superbowl fans may not do or want to do
  • Content of the commercial may not be relevant to football/American audience; France, football, and Google don't go together

What does everyone else think? Feel free to add to the list in the comments section.

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